
To empower our community to craft local solutions based on local decisions, we have access to the latest research and information about best practices for collaborating and improving the well-being of children and families.

  • Dive into state and local level policies that affect Georgia’s communities.
  • Check out the Evaluation Snapshot series of research summaries that will help as we plan, implement, and account for effects of our strategies on outcomes for children and families.
  • View or download annual reports as well as compendiums regarding topics like building the path to reading proficiency and addressing low birthweight in Georgia.
  • Check out the Georgia Civic Health Index, which seeks to answer the question: “How do Georgians participate in civic life and what does it mean for Georgia?”


Alcohol Treatment

Alzheimer’s Association Georgia

Area Agency on Aging

Calhoun Counseling

Calhoun-Gordon Council for a Literate Community

P.O. Box 424
Calhoun, GA 30703

CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children

Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities

Gordon County Resource Directory